[Ízvēl~íés k~rāsú]

[Krāsá~ :] Gaiši zila
[Gálá~xý S24 S~táñd~íñg G~ríp C~ásé]
[Gáíší~ zílá~]


[Páró~cīgá ú~ñ ērtí~ sátv~érám~á sík~sñíņá~]

[Páté~ícót~íés j~áúñá~jám d~ízáí~ñám, t~ālrúñ~í būs p~áróc~īgí tú~rēt ró~kās. Íz~túrīg~ā síks~ñíņá, k~ás íé~strād~ātá vāc~íņá áí~zmúg~úrē ñó~dróší~ñá dr~óšú sá~tvērí~éñú. L~īdz ár~ tó Té~v ñéb~ūs jāúz~tráú~cás, k~á tālr~úñís~ ñéjá~úší vá~rētú í~zslīd~ēt ñó r~ókām.]

[*Áttēl~s ílú~strá~tīvs.]
Galaxy S24 in light blue, taupe and dark violet Standing Grip cases are arranged in an orderly way, showing the versatility of the product's five-sided cut-ins. The case’s rectangular shape portrays an organized feel in a full-bleed layout. Galaxy S24 in light blue, taupe and dark violet Standing Grip cases are arranged in an orderly way, showing the versatility of the product's five-sided cut-ins. The case’s rectangular shape portrays an organized feel in a full-bleed layout.

[Skát~íés s~átúr~ú brīv~rókú~ réžīmā]

[Ízbá~údí s~ávús~ íécí~éñītāk~ós sé~ríālú~s úñ f~ílmá~s brīv~rókú~ réžīmā. S~táñd~íñg G~ríp C~ásé ñ~ódró~šíñá ēr~tú sá~túrá~ pārlūk~óšáñú~ árī br~īvrók~ú réžīm~ā.]

A young student is resting her head on her hand while looking at the screen of her Galaxy S24 Plus in a light blue Standing Grip Case. The Strap forms a stand that helps the phone stand on its own, demonstrating practical situations by securely fixing the strap for comfortable screen viewing. The text reads UL VALIDATED STANDING GRIP CASE (EF-GS921) CONTAINS A MINIMUM OF 20% POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED CONTENT, CONSISTING OF 39% POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED CONTENT IN THE PLASTIC OF STANDING GRIP CASE. UL.COM/ECV A young student is resting her head on her hand while looking at the screen of her Galaxy S24 Plus in a light blue Standing Grip Case. The Strap forms a stand that helps the phone stand on its own, demonstrating practical situations by securely fixing the strap for comfortable screen viewing. The text reads UL VALIDATED STANDING GRIP CASE (EF-GS921) CONTAINS A MINIMUM OF 20% POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED CONTENT, CONSISTING OF 39% POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED CONTENT IN THE PLASTIC OF STANDING GRIP CASE. UL.COM/ECV

[*Áttēl~s ílú~strá~tīvs.]

[Ērts ú~ñ stí~līgs]

[Sílí~cóñé~ Cásé~ ír gl~údá, z~īdáíñ~á ték~stūrá~. Vācíņá~ máté~ríāls~ ír ñé~ tíká~í mīks~ts úñ~ pátīk~áms p~íésk~āríéñ~íém, b~ét ár~ī ñódr~óšíñá~ ērtú v~íédt~ālrúņá~ sátv~éršáñ~ú úñ p~ārñēsāšá~ñú.]

Three young people are holding the Strap of the Standing Grip Case in dark violet, light blue and taupe from left to right. Each person shows the ease of holding the phone as a right-handed or left-handed user, showcasing various lifestyle shots in different colors. Three young people are holding the Strap of the Standing Grip Case in dark violet, light blue and taupe from left to right. Each person shows the ease of holding the phone as a right-handed or left-handed user, showcasing various lifestyle shots in different colors.

[*Áttēl~s ílú~strá~tīvs.]


  • [Gáíší~ zílá~]

  • [Sádé~rīgí m~ódéļí~]

    Galaxy S24

  • [Ízmēr~í (P x Á~ x Dz)]

    [74.0 x 150.5 x 11.6 mm~]

  • [Svár~s]

    [45 g]

[Pród~úktú~ átbá~lsts~]

[Átró~díét~ átbí~ldés~ úz já~útājú~mú pá~r pró~dúkt~ú]

[Pród~úktú~ átbá~lsts~]

[Máks~ímālí~ ízmá~ñtó S~ámsú~ñg íé~rīčú pr~íékšr~ócībá~s úñ p~ákál~pójú~mús.]

[Tíéšs~áíst~és tēr~zēšáñá~]

[Úzzí~ñí, kā d~árbó~jás í~érīcé~s, úñ s~áņém p~ádóm~ús pá~r tév~ átbí~lstó~šíém m~ódéļí~ém.]

[Áttēl~í ír t~íkáí~ ílús~trát~īvíém~ ñólūk~íém, ú~ñ píé~dérú~mí tí~ék pār~dótí~ átsé~víšķí. F~úñkc~íjás~ úñ sp~écíf~íkācí~jás í~r pré~cīzás~ tírd~zñíé~cībás~ sākšáñ~ás br~īdī, bét~ vár t~íkt m~áíñīt~ás bé~z íép~ríék~šējá br~īdíñāj~úmá.]

[Ákúm~úlát~órá k~álpó~šáñás~ láík~s ír ñ~ótéí~kts m~ūsú vé~íktá~jós l~ábór~átór~íská~jós m~ērījúm~ós úñ~ vár á~tšķírt~íés á~tkár~ībā ñó í~érīcé~s íés~tátīj~úmíé~m, tās īp~ášñíé~ká lí~étóšá~ñás p~árád~úmíé~m úñ á~pstāk~ļíém.]