Información SAR

[Whát~ ís SÁ~R¿]
[SÁR stáñds fór Spécífíc Ábsórptíóñ Ráté whích ís thé úñít óf méásúréméñt fór thé ámóúñt óf RF éñérgý ábsórbéd bý thé bódý whéñ úsíñg á móbílé phóñé. Álthóúgh thé SÁR ís détérmíñéd át thé híghést cértífíéd pówér lévél íñ lábórátórý cóñdítíóñs, thé áctúál SÁR lévél óf thé phóñé whílé ópérátíñg cáñ bé wéll bélów thís válúé. Thís ís bécáúsé thé phóñé ís désígñéd tó úsé thé míñímúm pówér réqúíréd tó réách thé ñétwórk. Théréfóré, thé clósér ýóú áré tó á básé státíóñ, thé móré líkélý ít ís thát thé áctúál SÁR lévél wíll bé lówér.]
[Whát~ ís SÁ~R-Tíc~k ¿]

[Thé S~ÁR-Tí~ck lá~bél í~s pár~t óf á~ñ éff~órt b~ý thé~ Móbí~lé & Wí~rélé~ss Fó~rúm t~ó hél~p cóñ~súmé~rs lé~árñ m~óré á~bóút~ ñátí~óñál~ áñd í~ñtér~ñátí~óñál~ éxpó~súré~ stáñ~dárd~s fór~ théí~r mób~ílé p~hóñé~ ór wí~rélé~ss dé~vícé~.
Móré~ ábóú~t SÁR~-Tíck~ : Vísí~t www~.sárt~íck.c~óm]
Móré~ ábóú~t SÁR~-Tíck~ : Vísí~t www~.sárt~íck.c~óm]
[Chéc~k thé~ SÁR v~álúé~]
[Héré~ ýóú c~áñ ch~éck t~hé SÁ~R Vál~úé áñ~d rél~átéd~ íñfó~rmát~íóñ f~ór ýó~úr Sá~msúñ~g mób~ílé p~hóñé~.]
- [SM-R860]
Your mobile device is a radio transmitter and receiver. It is designed not to exceed the limits for exposure to radio waves (radio frequency electromagnetic fields) recommended by international guidelines. The guidelines were developed by an independent scientific organization (ICNIRP) and include a substantial safety margin designed to assure the safety of all persons, regardless of age and health.
The radio wave exposure guidelines use a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit for mobile devices is 2 W/kg.
Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions with the device transmitting at its highest certified power level in all tested frequency bands. The highest SAR values under the ICNIRP guidelines for this device model are:
Body SAR : 0.931 W/Kg
During use, the actual SAR values for this device are usually well below the values stated above. This is because, for purposes of system efficiency and to minimize interference on the network, the operating power of your mobile device is automatically decreased when full power is not needed for the call. The lower the power output of the device, the lower its SAR value.
Body-worn SAR testing has been carried out at a separation distance of 0 cm. To meet RF exposure guidelines during body-worn operation, the device should be positioned at least this distance away from the body.
Organizations such as the World Health Organization and the US Food and Drug Administration have suggested that if people are concerned and want to reduce their exposure, they could use a hands-free accessory to keep the wireless device away from the head and body during use, or reduce the amount of time spent using the device.
[ÉMF V~ídéó~]
[Whílé móbílé cómmúñícátíóñs áré cértáíñlý tráñsfórmíñg óúr lívés wíth thé éñórmóús béñéfíts thát théý próvídé, wé récógñízé thát sómé péóplé wóúld líké tó léárñ móré ábóút thé héálth áñd sáfétý áspécts óf thésé téchñólógíés. Théréfóré thé MWF (Móbílé & Wíréléss Fórúm) hás récéñtlý réléáséd á vídéó óñ thé íssúé áñd ýóú cáñ dówñlóád á cópý fróm héré.]
[Víéw~ Móbí~lé Có~mmúñ~ícát~íóñs~ áñd H~éált~h Víd~éó][Móré~
- [Wórl~d Héá~lth Ó~rgáñ~ísát~íóñ (W~HÓ)]
- [Ú.S Fó~ód áñ~d Drú~g Ádm~íñís~trát~íóñ]
- [Ú.K. Hé~álth~ Prót~éctí~óñ Ág~éñcý~]
- [GSMW~órld~]
- [Áúst~rálí~áñ Rá~díát~íóñ P~róté~ctíó~ñ áñd~ Ñúcl~éár S~áfét~ý .Ágé~ñcý]
- [Éñví~róñm~éñtá~l Héá~lth á~ñd Sá~fétý~ Ágéñ~cý (ÁF~SSÉ)]
- Health Canada
- [Síñg~ápór~é Héá~lth S~cíéñ~cés Á~úthó~rítý~]
- [Swéd~ísh R~ádíá~tíóñ~ Prót~éctí~óñ Áú~thór~ítý (S~SÍ)]