Frequently asked questions about gift cards in Samsung Pay

Frequently asked questions about gift cards in Samsung Pay
What specific merchants are offered?
We are working hard to expand Samsung’s partnerships with different companies. A complete list of merchants offering gift cards through Samsung Pay/Wallet is available online.
You can also view merchants offering gift cards through the Samsung Wallet app. Open Samsung Wallet, then tap All, then tap Buy gift card, and then browse the available options.
Can I add an existing gift card?
You can add some gift cards that have been purchased outside of Samsung Wallet, if that vendor participates.
Open Samsung Wallet, then tap All, and then tap Gift cards. Tap Load gift cards. Search for and select the merchant from the list. Enter the Card number and PIN number, and then tap Done. Your gift card will be successfully added to Samsung Wallet. Follow the on-screen instructions if necessary.
How can I view the balance of my gift card?
The balance of your gift card will usually display in Samsung Wallet. However, some merchants do not share this information. To check your gift card balance, open Samsung Wallet, then tap All, and then tap Payment cards. Tap the Gift tab, and then tap the card you want to view. The gift card balance will be displayed on the card's detail screen. To refresh the balance, tap the Refresh icon.
For more information about checking your balance, see the gift card's terms and conditions. Or, try contacting the merchant.
How many gift cards can I add to Samsung Wallet?
There is no limit to how many gift cards you can add to Samsung Wallet.
Are there fees for purchasing or using a gift card?
There are no fees for purchasing a gift card in Samsung Wallet, and generally there are no fees for using a gift card. However, please refer to the specific terms and conditions found on each merchant’s page prior to purchasing its card.
Where can gift cards be used?
Usually, you can use gift cards at any of the merchant's retail or online locations. However, each merchant has different rules, so please refer to the terms and conditions found on each merchant's page before purchasing a gift card.
Do gift cards expire?
Each merchant has its own rules for expiration. Please refer to the specific terms and conditions found on each merchant’s page before purchasing a gift card.
How many times can I refresh my balance on a gift card?
You are limited to five balance inquiries per card per day. To refresh your balance, tap the Refresh icon next to the balance amount. If you need further support, please contact Samsung Pay Customer Service at +1 844-SAM-PAYS (726-7297).
What if a merchant will not accept my gift card?
If a merchant does not accept an electronic gift card payment, you can pull up the gift card's number or barcode to complete the purchase.
Are Samsung Wallet gift cards refundable?
Once the gift card has been emailed or loaded into your Samsung Wallet app, it is non-refundable. If you did not receive your gift card or accidentally deleted it, please call customer service at +1 844-SAM-PAYS or email us at
What do I do if I reset my phone or have a new device?
Refer back to your original gift card email, select Redeem, and then you will be taken to a page where you will be able to see your card number and PIN. Simply enter the card number using the instructions.

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