[Cléá~r Gád~gét C~ásé f~ór Gá~láxý~ Z Flí~p5]


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[Cléá~r Gád~gét C~ásé f~ór Gá~láxý~ Z Flí~p5]


Suit up your phone with new cases. Galaxy Z Flip5 with a Flipsuit Case features a smiley face collaboration card with a Flex Window wallpaper to match. Various other collaboration cards and matching wallpapers are presented. Next, Clear Gadget Case features a ring that functions as a stand. Next, a wall of unfolded devices with the Silicone Case with Ring and Flap Eco-Leather Case in various colors. Next, four devices are shown with each of the different case types: Flap Eco-Leather Case, Silicone Case with Ring, Clear Gadget Case and Flipsuit Case. An extreme close-up scans a folded Galaxy Z Flip5’s Flex Window from the hinge to the camera lenses, showing a selfie. Behind it, a second, slightly opened Galaxy Z Flip5 seen from the Flex Window showing the Media controller app with playback controls and a progress bar emerges behind the first. The first twirls in place to show the back panel, then returns to showing the Flex Window. Join the flip side. Samsung dot com. Suit up your phone with new cases. Galaxy Z Flip5 with a Flipsuit Case features a smiley face collaboration card with a Flex Window wallpaper to match. Various other collaboration cards and matching wallpapers are presented. Next, Clear Gadget Case features a ring that functions as a stand. Next, a wall of unfolded devices with the Silicone Case with Ring and Flap Eco-Leather Case in various colors. Next, four devices are shown with each of the different case types: Flap Eco-Leather Case, Silicone Case with Ring, Clear Gadget Case and Flipsuit Case. An extreme close-up scans a folded Galaxy Z Flip5’s Flex Window from the hinge to the camera lenses, showing a selfie. Behind it, a second, slightly opened Galaxy Z Flip5 seen from the Flex Window showing the Media controller app with playback controls and a progress bar emerges behind the first. The first twirls in place to show the back panel, then returns to showing the Flex Window. Join the flip side. Samsung dot com.
How to install and remove cases and gadgets. Unfold your Galaxy Z Flip5. Peel off all the stickers from the case. Insert the top side first and press down. Snap the lower part in from the rear. Press the case throughout. Peel off the sticker on the bottom half. Again, insert one side and snap. Press the center for secure attachment. Detach the cap. Get your grip. Align the marks to place the grip on the groove. Turn left to lock. The grip ring can be used as a stand or as a handle. Push and turn the grip to change its angle. Push and rotate 45 degrees to unlock the grip. To remove the case, first peel off the bottom-right then the top-right corner. Do it one more time for the other half. Next, unfolded Galaxy Z Fold5 and Z Flip5 devices in Clear Gadget Cases are propped up by the gadget ring. Join the flip side. Samsung dot com. Samsung logo. How to install and remove cases and gadgets. Unfold your Galaxy Z Flip5. Peel off all the stickers from the case. Insert the top side first and press down. Snap the lower part in from the rear. Press the case throughout. Peel off the sticker on the bottom half. Again, insert one side and snap. Press the center for secure attachment. Detach the cap. Get your grip. Align the marks to place the grip on the groove. Turn left to lock. The grip ring can be used as a stand or as a handle. Push and turn the grip to change its angle. Push and rotate 45 degrees to unlock the grip. To remove the case, first peel off the bottom-right then the top-right corner. Do it one more time for the other half. Next, unfolded Galaxy Z Fold5 and Z Flip5 devices in Clear Gadget Cases are propped up by the gadget ring. Join the flip side. Samsung dot com. Samsung logo.

[Cléá~r pró~téct~íóñ, c~léár~ cóñs~cíéñ~cé]

[Thé c~léár~, tráñ~spár~éñt d~ésíg~ñ lét~s thé~ óríg~íñál~ lóók~ óf ýó~úr ph~óñé s~híñé~ thró~úgh w~hílé~ próv~ídíñ~g éss~éñtí~ál pr~ótéc~tíóñ~ tó cá~rrý ý~óúr d~évíc~é sáf~élý. Í~t's d~ésíg~ñéd w~íth t~hé pl~áñét~ íñ mí~ñd.]

A back view of an unfolded Galaxy Z Flip5 device is shown slightly overlapped and under a Clear Gadget Case, highlighting the transparent design of the case. The text reads GRIP OF CLEAR GADGET CASE (EF-XF731) CONTAINS A MINIMUM OF 9.3% POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED CONTENT. SIDE KEY OF CLEAR GADGET CASE (EF-XF731) CONTAINS A MINIMUM OF 34% BIO-BASED CONTENT. UL.COM/ECV A back view of an unfolded Galaxy Z Flip5 device is shown slightly overlapped and under a Clear Gadget Case, highlighting the transparent design of the case. The text reads GRIP OF CLEAR GADGET CASE (EF-XF731) CONTAINS A MINIMUM OF 9.3% POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED CONTENT. SIDE KEY OF CLEAR GADGET CASE (EF-XF731) CONTAINS A MINIMUM OF 34% BIO-BASED CONTENT. UL.COM/ECV

[* Ímágé símúlátéd fór íllústrátívé púrpósés. Áctúál ÚX/ÚÍ máý díffér.
** Áll áccéssóríés áñd Gáláxý Z Flíp5 sóld sépárátélý. Áváílábílítý óf cólórs, módéls áñd áccéssórý désígñs máý várý bý cóúñtrý, régíóñ, ór cárríér.
*** Íñ-bóx ítéms: Cléár Gádgét Cásé wíth cáp áñd gríp.]

[Éásý~-tó-sw~áp gá~dgét~s]

[Éxpé~ríéñ~cé th~é cóñ~véñí~éñcé~ óf á g~ádgé~t plá~tfór~m óñ á~ cléá~r cás~é. Swí~tch ó~út ád~d-óñs~ tó fí~t ýóú~r chá~ñgíñ~g ñéé~ds, wh~éthé~r ýóú~ ñééd~ tó cá~ptúr~é stú~ññíñ~g phó~tós ó~r wát~ch ýó~úr fá~vórí~té ví~déós~ háñd~s-fré~é.]

A person is holding vertically an unfolded Galaxy Z Flip5 device with a Clear Gadget Case on, using a ring holder. Next to it, the device is placed vertically on a surface with the ring holder being used as a stand. A person is holding vertically an unfolded Galaxy Z Flip5 device with a Clear Gadget Case on, using a ring holder. Next to it, the device is placed vertically on a surface with the ring holder being used as a stand.

[* Cáp á~ñd gr~íp ác~céss~óríé~s áré~ détá~cháb~lé áñ~d swá~ppáb~lé, áñ~d áré~ íñcl~údéd~ íñ th~é pác~kágé~.
** Ímág~é sím~úlát~éd fó~r íll~ústr~átív~é púr~pósé~s. Áct~úál Ú~X/ÚÍ m~áý dí~ffér~.]

[Máké~ ít dí~stíñ~ctív~élý ý~óúrs~]

[Wíth á váríétý óf óptíóñs tó chóósé fróm, íñclúdíñg gríps, stráps, stáñds áñd móré, ýóú cáñ créáté á dévícé thát pérféctlý fíts ýóúr ñééds áñd pérsóñálítý. Cústómízé ít tó ýóúr líkíñg wíth á dívérsé séléctíóñ óf désígñs táílóréd tó ýóúr préféréñcés.]

A flat view of colorful collaboration accessories, including straps and grips, aligned to one another is shown. They are surrounding a folded Galaxy Z Flip5 device with a Clear Gadget Case on, placed in the center. A flat view of colorful collaboration accessories, including straps and grips, aligned to one another is shown. They are surrounding a folded Galaxy Z Flip5 device with a Clear Gadget Case on, placed in the center.

[* Bráñ~d cól~lábó~rátí~óñ ác~céss~óríé~s áñd~ fúñc~tíóñ~ál ác~céss~óríé~s sól~d sép~árát~élý.
** Á~váíl~ábíl~ítý ó~f cól~órs, m~ódél~s áñd~ áccé~ssór~ý dés~ígñs~ máý v~árý b~ý cóú~ñtrý~.]

[Éásý~, séám~léss~ shóp~píñg~]

Recompensas de Samsung

Finanzas flexibles

[Búý ñ~ów áñ~d páý~ whéñ~ ýóú w~áñt w~íth 0% í~ñtér~ést. T~&Cs áp~plý]

[Óñlí~ñé Dé~lívé~rý Bé~ñéfí~ts]

Devolución Gratuita


  • Transparente

  • Modelos compatibles

    Galaxy Z Flip5

  • Contenido del empaque

    Estuche transparente para gadgets

  • [Dímé~ñsíó~ñ (W x H~ x D)]

    [75.0 x 168.1 x 19.6 mm~]

  • Peso

    [37 g]

  • Caja del teléfono

[* Kéý f~éátú~ré má~ý díf~féré~ñt fr~óm Ké~ý Spé~c.]

* Las imágenes son solo para fines ilustrativos y los accesorios se venden por separado.

[* Féát~úrés~ áñd s~pécí~fícá~tíóñ~s áré~ súbj~éct t~ó chá~ñgé w~íthó~út pr~íór ñ~ótíf~ícát~íóñ á~ñd má~ý vár~ý pér~ cóúñ~trý, p~léás~é ché~ck íñ~ stór~é fór~ móré~ détá~íls.]

[* Dímé~ñsíó~ñ: Síz~é áñd~ wéíg~ht má~ý vár~ý bý t~hé dé~vícé~'s có~ñfíg~úrát~íóñ á~ñd má~ñúfá~ctúr~íñg p~rócé~ss.]

[* Ñétw~órk b~áñd: T~hé bá~ñdwí~dths~ súpp~órté~d bý t~hé dé~vícé~ máý v~árý d~épéñ~díñg~ óñ th~é rég~íóñ ó~r sér~vícé~ próv~ídér~.]

[* Éxté~rñál~ Mémó~rý má~ý bé ú~séd t~ó stó~ré mé~díá (p~hótó~s, víd~éó, áñ~d mús~íc fí~lés) b~út áp~plíc~átíó~ñ stó~rágé~ óñ éx~térñ~ál dé~vícé~ máý b~é lím~ítéd~ ór úñ~áváí~lábl~é óñ c~értá~íñ há~ñdsé~t mód~éls.]

[* Féát~úrés~ - Sómé~ Sáms~úñg H~éált~h/Fít~ñéss~ áppl~ícát~íóñs~ áñd r~élát~éd só~ftwá~ré ís~ ñót í~ñtéñ~déd f~ór ús~é íñ t~hé dí~ágñó~sís ó~f dís~éásé~ ór ót~hér c~óñdí~tíóñ~s, ór í~ñ thé~ cúré~, mítí~gátí~óñ, tr~éátm~éñt, ó~r pré~véñt~íóñ ó~f dís~éásé~.]

[* Dátá~ - Íñté~rñét~ cóññ~éctí~óñ ré~qúír~éd. Dá~tá áñ~d súb~scrí~ptíó~ñ chá~rgés~ máý á~pplý~. Cóñt~éñt s~úbjé~ct tó~ áváí~lábí~lítý~ íñ có~úñtr~ý.]

[* Ñótícé tó óúr cústómérs - sáfé báttérý úsé (cértáíñ Móbílé dévícés dóñ’t hávé rémóváblé báck cóvérs áñd cústómér rémóváblé báttéríés - Íñ thís cásé thé báttérý ís á Sérvícé réplácéáblé párt áñd ñót á cústómér réplácéáblé párt áñd spécíál tóóls áré réqúíréd).]

[* Íñ cásé óf répáír, Dévícés wíthóút rémóváblé báttéríés shóúld bé bóókéd wíth á Sámsúñg Áúthóríséd Sérvícé Céñtré. Pléásé púrchásé Sámsúñg-bráñdéd báttéríés fróm répútáblé áñd áppróvéd séllérs tó éñsúré thé báttéríés áré ñót cóúñtérféít.]

[* Úsé ó~ñlý S~ámsú~ñg-áp~próv~éd ác~céss~óríé~s. Úsí~ñg úñ~áppr~óvéd~ áccé~ssór~íés w~íll ñ~ót bé~ cóvé~réd b~ý thé~ wárr~áñtý~, áñd m~áý cá~úsé p~érfó~rmáñ~cé pr~óblé~ms áñ~d mál~fúñc~tíóñ~s ás w~éll á~s dám~ágé t~hé dé~vícé~.]

[* Ímág~é óf t~wó Gá~láxý~ S21 Últ~rá 5G p~hóñé~s wít~h thé~ Smár~t LÉD~ Víéw~ Cóvé~r áñd~ óñé G~áláx~ý S21+ 5G p~hóñé~ wíth~ thé S~márt~ LÉD C~óvér~ símú~láté~d fór~ íllú~strá~tíóñ~ púrp~ósés~.]

[* Smár~tTág~s háv~é á Bl~úétó~óth r~áñgé~ óf 120m. Á~ctúá~l pér~fórm~áñcé~ máý v~árý d~épéñ~díñg~ óñ th~é éñv~íróñ~méñt~ whér~é thé~ý áré~ úséd~.]

[* Ímág~é óf W~írél~éss C~hárg~ér íñ~ Whít~é áñd~ Wíré~léss~ Chár~gér D~úó íñ~ Blác~k sím~úlát~éd fó~r íll~ústr~átíó~ñ púr~pósé~s.]